Page 49 - 18 An American Reformer
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could not  but command  respect  and  esteem

               wherever  integrity  of  character  and  moral

               excellence                  were            valued.             Uniting              true

               kindness of heart with Christian humility and

               the  power  of  self-control,  he  was  attentive

               and  affable  to  all,  ready  to  listen  to  the

               opinions  of  others  and  to  weigh  their

               arguments. Without passion or excitement he

               tested all theories and doctrines by the word

               of  God,  and  his  sound  reasoning  and

               thorough  knowledge  of  the  Scriptures

               enabled  him  to  refute  error  and  expose


               Yet  he  did  not  prosecute  his  work  without

               bitter opposition. As with earlier Reformers,

               the  truths  which  he  presented  were  not

               received  with  favor  by  popular  religious

               teachers.  As  these  could  not  maintain  their

               position by the Scriptures, they were driven
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