Page 52 - 18 An American Reformer
P. 52
warning of the judgment near, was
sneeringly denounced as a fanatic, a liar, a
speculating knave.
The ridicule, falsehood, and abuse heaped
upon him called forth indignant
remonstrance, even from the secular press.
“To treat a subject of such overwhelming
majesty and fearful consequences,” with
lightness and ribaldry was declared by
worldly men to be “not merely to sport with
the feelings of its propagators and
advocates,” but “to make a jest of the day of
judgment, to scoff at the Deity Himself, and
contemn the terrors of His judgment bar.”—
Bliss, page 183.
The instigator of all evil sought not only to
counteract the effect of the advent message,
but to destroy the messenger himself. Miller
made a practical application of Scripture