Page 55 - 18 An American Reformer
P. 55
pray show us wherein consists our wrong.
Show us from the word of God that we are in
error; we have had ridicule enough; that can
never convince us that we are in the wrong;
the word of God alone can change our views.
Our conclusions have been formed
deliberately and prayerfully, as we have seen
the evidence in the Scriptures.”—Ibid., pages
250, 252.
From age to age the warnings which God has
sent to the world by His servants have been
received with like incredulity and unbelief.
When the iniquity of the antediluvians moved
Him to bring a flood of waters upon the earth,
He first made known to them His purpose,
that they might have opportunity to turn
from their evil ways. For a hundred and
twenty years was sounded in their ears the
warning to repent, lest the wrath of God be