Page 25 - 8 The Passover Visit
P. 25

10.  Fill  in  the  blanks:                      Then  the  Lord  said

                          unto them…

                          “And thus shall ye _________ it with your

                          __________ ___________, your _________ on your

                          _________,  and  your  ___________  in  your

                          _________;  and    ye  shall  ________  it  in

                          __________:  it  is  the  Lord’s  _____________”

                          Exodus 12:11.

                   11. How often was the Passover observed?


                   12. What  feast  followed  the  Passover  and

                          how long was it celebrated?  ______________


                   13. What happened on the second day of the

                          feast? _______________________________________

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