Page 28 - 8 The Passover Visit
P. 28

20.  What did the rabbis spoke of compared

                          to  what  Jesus  presented?  Fill  in  the


                          The  rabbis  spoke  of  the  wonderful

                          ______________  which  the  _____________

                          coming  would  bring  to  the  ___________

                          nation;              but         Jesus            presented                 the

                          ______________  of  ___________,  and  asked

                          them the meaning of those ________________

                          that  point  to  the  ________________  and

                          ___________ of the __________ of __________.

                   21. How did the Child Jesus respond to the

                          questions posed by the leading rabbis?



                   22. What  would  have  been  the  outcome  if

                          the “lines of truth” Jesus pointed out to

                          the rabbis was adhered to? _______________

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