Page 12 - 04b The Seven Churhces-Philadelphia
P. 12


                                             Stephen N. Haskell

                 “Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book: for the time is at
                                              hand” Revelation 22:10.

               to be completed, and when the last character

               mold is filled, time will cease to be.

               Some  from  the  Philadelphian  church  will

               become  pillars  in  the  temple  of  God,-living

               pillars, holding up a structure of life. The most

               wonderful promises are made to those living

               in this period; for heaven itself was spread out

               before the overcomer; and yet this is true for

               all  who  overcome.  The  message  to  the

               Philadelphian  period  reaches  to  the  end  of

               time, and all who receive the crown will have

               passed through its experiences. The patience,

               faith, and love of Jesus, will characterize those

               who sit at last on the left, and on the right, of

               the throne in heaven. “He that hath an ear, let

               him  hear  what  the  Spirit  saith  unto  the

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