Page 9 - 04b The Seven Churhces-Philadelphia
P. 9


                                             Stephen N. Haskell

                 “Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book: for the time is at
                                              hand” Revelation 22:10.

               Him.  Those  who  forsook  the  new  light,  that

               came with the “open door,” are referred to as

               those  “of  the  synagogue  of  Satan,  which  say

               they are Jews, and are not.”

               As  the  Jewish  nation,  at  the  first  advent,

               turned from the Saviour, and rejected the Son

               of God, so many in 1844 crucified the Son of

               man afresh. But He will one day be lifted up in

               the  eyes  of  all  men;  and  those  who  have

               followed close beside Him, entering by faith,

               within  the  second  veil,  will  be  seated  on

               thrones  and  will  reign  with  Him.  To  the

               disciples  in  Gethsemane,  was  given  an

               opportunity to drink of the cup of which He

               drank.  To  the  faithful  ones  in  1844,  it  was,

               likewise,  given  to  drink  of  the  cup  of  the

               world’s  scorn.  To  such  is  the  promise,
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