Page 6 - 04b The Seven Churhces-Philadelphia
P. 6


                                             Stephen N. Haskell

                 “Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book: for the time is at
                                              hand” Revelation 22:10.

               spring of 1844. On further investigation, it was

               found  that  the  decree  of  Artaxerxes,  from

               which the prophetic period is reckoned, went

               into effect in the autumn of the year 457 b. c.;

               hence, this reckoning would cause those days

               to expire in the autumn of 1844 a. d. Here was

               a waiting time, in which those who loved the

               Lord,  prepared,  by  deep  heart  searching,  to

               receive Him. Many inquired, “What must I do

               to be saved?” Those who were looking upward

               received  the  light  of  the  investigative

               judgment, when, in the autumn of 1844, the

               door  in  heaven  opened,  and  Christ

               approached  the  Father.  But  many  who  had

               only  professed  to  believe  in  the  advent,

               changed when the time passed and He did not

               come, and now scoffed at those who still clung
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