Page 11 - 43 Appendix
P. 11

through  the  prophet  Ezekiel.  Forty  years  of

               punishment  for  iniquities  awaited  the

               kingdom of Judah. The Lord said through the

               prophet:  “Lie  again  on  thy  right  side,  and

               thou  shalt  bear  the  iniquity  of  the  house  of

               Judah forty days: I have appointed thee each

               day  for  a  year.”  Ezekiel  4:6.  This  year-day

               principle  has  an  important  application  in

               interpreting the time of the prophecy of the

               “two  thousand  and  three  hundred  evenings

               and  mornings”  (Daniel  8:14,  R.V.)  and  the

               1260-day  period,  variously  indicated  as  “a

               time  and  times  and  the  dividing  of  time”

               (Daniel  7:25),  the  “forty  and  two  months”

               (Revelation  11:2;  13:5),  and  the  “thousand

               two            hundred                 and            threescore                   days”

               (Revelation 11:3; 12:6).

               Page  56.  Forged  Writings.—Among  the

               documents  that  at  the  present  time  are
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