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churches  darkened  rather  than  enlightened

               the  minds  of  the  ignorant—degraded  rather

               than  exalted  the  devotion  of  the  worshiper.

               So  that,  however  they  might  have  been

               intended to direct men's minds to God, they

               ended  in  turning  them  from  him  to  the

               worship  of  created  things.”—J.  Mendham,

               The  Seventh  General  Council,  the  Second  of

               Nicaea, Introduction, pages III-VI.

               For a record of the proceedings and decisions

               of  the  Second  Council  of  Nicaea,  A.D.  787,

               called to establish the worship of images, see

               Baronius,  Ecclesiastical  Annals,  Vol.  9,  pp.

               391-407  (Antwerp,  1612);  J.  Mendham,  The

               Seventh  General  Council,  the  Second  of

               Nicaea;  Ed.  Stillingfleet,  Defense  of  the

               Discourse  Concerning  the  Idolatry  Practiced

               in  the  Church  of  Rome  (London,  1686);  A

               Select  Library  of  Nicene  and  Post-Nicene
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