Page 5 - 43 Appendix
P. 5
Dollinger (pseudonym “Janus”) The Pope and
the Council (New York: Charles Scribner's
sons, 1869); and W.J. Sparrow Simpson,
Roman Catholic Opposition to Papal
Infallibility (London: John Murray, 1909). For
the non-Roman view, see George Salmon,
Infallibility of the Church (London: John
Murray, rev. Education, 1914).
Page 52. Image Worship.—“The worship of
images ... was one of those corruptions of
Christianity which crept into the church
stealthily and almost without notice or
observation. This corruption did not, like
other heresies, develop itself at once, for in
that case it would have met with decided
censure and rebuke: but, making its
commencement under a fair disguise, so
gradually was one practice after another
introduced in connection with it, that the