Page 4 - 43 Appendix
P. 4

Lord God the Pope”) occur in column 153. In

               a  Paris  edition,  dated  1612,  they  occur  in

               column  140.  In  several  editions  published

               since  1612  the  word  “Deum”  (“God”)  has

               been omitted.

               Page  50.  Infallibility.—On  the  doctrine  of

               infallibility as set forth at the Vatican Council

               of  1870-71,  see  Philip  Schaff,  The  Creeds  of

               Christendom, Vol. 2, Dogmatic Decrees of the

               Vatican Council, pp. 234-271, where both the

               Latin  and  the  English  texts  are  given.  For

               discussion see, for the Roman Catholic view,

               The  Catholic  Encyclopedia,  Vol.  7,  art.

               “Infallibility,”  by  Patrick  J.  Toner,  790ff.;

               James  Cardinal  Gibbons,  The  Faith  of  our

               Fathers  (Baltimore:  John  Murphy  Company,

               110th  ed.,  1917),  chs.  7,  11.  For  Roman

               Catholic  opposition  to  the  doctrine  of  papal

               infallibility,  see  Johann  Joseph  Ignaz  von
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