Page 33 - 43 Appendix
P. 33

1928);  E.  Gothein,  Ignatius  von  Loyola  und

               die  Gegenreformation  (Halle,  1895);  T.

               Campbell, The Jesuits, 1534-1921 (New York,


               Page  235.  The  Inquisition.—For  the  Roman

               Catholic view see The Catholic Encyclopedia,

               Vol. 8, art. “Inquisition” By Joseph Blotzer, p.

               26ff.:  And  E.  Vacandard,  The  Inquisition:  A

               Critical  and  Historical  Study  of  the  Coercive

               Power of the Church (New York: Longmans,

               Green and Company, 1908).

               For  an  Anglo-Catholic  view  see  Hoffman

               Nickerson,  The  Inquisition:  A  Political  and

               Military  Study  of  its  Establishment.  For  the

               non-Catholic  view  see  Philip  van  Limborch,

               History of the Inquisition; Henry Charles Lea,

               A  History  of  the  Inquisition  of  the  Middle

               Ages,  3 vols.; A  History of the  Inquisition  of

               Spain,  4  vols.,  and  The  Inquisition  in  the
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