Page 38 - 43 Appendix
P. 38

The  Moniteur  Officiel  was  the  government

               paper at the time of the Revolution and is a

               primary source, containing a factual account

               of actions taken by the assemblies, full texts

               of the documents, etc. It has been reprinted.

               See  also  A.  Aulard,  Christianity  and  the

               French Revolution (London, 1927), in which

               the  account  is  carried  through  1802—an

               excellent  study;  W.  H.  Jervis,  The  Gallican

               Church and the Revolution (London, 1882), a

               careful  work  by  an  Anglican,  but  shows

               preference for Catholicism.

               On the relation of church and state in France

               during  the  French  Revolution  see  Henry  H.

               Walsh,  The  Concordat  of  1801:  A  Study  of

               Nationalism in Relation  to Church and State

               (New York, 1933); Charles Ledre, L'Eglise de

               France sous la Revolution (Paris, 1949).
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