Page 40 - 43 Appendix
P. 40

On relations with the papacy see G. Bourgin,

               La  France  et  Rome  de  1788-1797  (Paris,

               1808), based on secret files in the Vatican; A.

               Latreille, L’ Eglise Catholique et la Revolution

               (Paris,  1950),  especially  interesting  on  Pius

               VI and the religious crisis, 1775-1799.

               For  Protestants  during  the  Revolution,  see

               Pressense  (ed.),  The  Reign  of  Terror

               (Cincinnati, 1869).

               Page  280.  The  Masses  and  the  Privileged

               Classes.—On  social  conditions  prevailing  in

               France prior to the period of the Revolution,

               see  H.  von  Holst,  Lowell  Lectures  on  the

               French  Revolution,  Lecture  1;  also  Taine,

               Ancien  Regime,  and  A.  Young,  Travels  in


               Page  283.  Retribution.—For  further  details

               concerning  the  retributive  character  of  the

               French Revolution see Thos. H. Gill, The Papal
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