Page 43 - 43 Appendix
P. 43

Page 288. Foreign Missions.—The missionary

               activity of the early Christian church has not

               been  duplicated  until  modern  times.  It  had

               virtually died out by the year 1000, and was

               succeeded  by  the  military  campaigns  of  the

               Crusades.  The  Reformation  era  saw  little

               foreign  mission  work,  except  on  the  part  of

               the  early  Jesuits.  The  pietistic  revival

               produced some missionaries. The work of the

               Moravian  Church  in  the  eighteenth  century

               was  remarkable,  and  there  were  some

               missionary societies formed by the British for

               work  in  colonized  North  America.  But  the

               great  resurgence  of  foreign  missionary

               activity begins around the year 1800, at “the

               time  of  the  end.”  Daniel  12:4.  In  1792  was

               formed the Baptist Missionary Society, which

               sent  Carey  to  India.  In  1795  the  London

               Missionary  Society  was  organized,  and

               another  society  in  1799  which  in  1812
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