Page 46 - 43 Appendix
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quite  so  great  an  effect  upon  Western

               European  peoples.  It  was  from  this

               abounding  vigor  that  there  issued  the

               missionary  enterprise  which  during  the

               nineteenth  century  so  augmented  the

               numerical  strength  and  the  influence  of

               Christianity.”—Kenneth  Scott  Latourette,  A

               History of the Expansion of Christianity, Vol.

               IV, The Great Century A.D. 1800 - A.D. 1914

               (New York: Harper & Brothers, 1941), pp. 2-


               Pages 327, 329. Prophetic Dates.—According

               to  Jewish  reckoning  the  fifth  month  (Ab)  of

               the  seventh  year  of  Artaxerxes’  reign  was

               from  July  23  to  August  21,  457  B.C.  after

               Ezra's arrival in Jerusalem in the autumn of

               the  year,  the  decree  of  the  king  went  into

               effect. For the certainty of the date 457 B.C.

               being the seventh year of Artaxerxes, see S. H.
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