Page 56 - 43 Appendix
P. 56

Prophetic Faith of Our Fathers (Washington,

               D.C.:  Review  and  Herald  Publishing  Assn.,

               1950), vol. 1, chs. 1, 2.

               Page  435.  A  threefold  message.—Revelation

               14:6, 7 foretells the proclamation of the first

               angel's message. Then the prophet continues:

               “There  followed  another  angel,  saying,

               Babylon  is  fallen,  is  fallen....  and  the  third

               angel  followed  them.”  The  word  here

               rendered  “followed”  means  “to  go  along

               with,”  “to  follow  one,”  “go  with  him.”  See

               Henry George Liddell and Robert Scott, Greek

               English  Lexicon  (Oxford:  Clarendon  Press,

               1940),  Vol.  1,  p.  52.  It  also  means  “to

               accompany.”  see  George  Abbott-Smith,  A

               Manual Greek Lexicon of the New Testament

               (Edinburgh: T. and T. Clark, 1950), page 17. It

               is the same word that is used in Mark 5:24,

               “Jesus  went  with  him;  and  much  people
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