Page 35 - 01 The Opening Vision
P. 35


                                 ~The Response of History to the Revelation~

                                          Chapter 1 – The Opening Vision
                   Here  another  speaker  is  introduced.

               Previous to this,  John  has been  the  speaker.

               But  this  verse  has  no  connection  with  what

               precedes nor with what follows. Who it is who

               here  speaks  must  be  determined,  therefore,

               by  the  terms  used.  Here  we  again  have  the

               expression,  “Which  is,  and  which  was,  and

               which  is  to  come,”  which  has  already  been

               noticed as referring exclusively to God. But it

               may be asked, Does not the word Lord denote

               that it was Christ? On this point Barnes has the

               following note: “Many MSS. instead of ‘Lord,’

               κύριος,  read  ‘God,’  θεός,  and  this  reading  is

               adopted by Griesbach, Tittman, and Hahn, and

               is  now  regarded  as  the  correct  reading.”

               Bloomfield supplies the word God, and marks

               the words “the beginning and the ending” as

               an  interpolation.  Thus  appropriately  closes

               the first principal division of this chapter, with
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