Page 31 - 01 The Opening Vision
P. 31


                                 ~The Response of History to the Revelation~

                                          Chapter 1 – The Opening Vision
                   of  his  approach,  and  will  not  believe  the

               declarations of his word that he is at the door.

               To  represent  two  comings,  a  private  and  a

               public  one,  in  connection  with  the  second

               advent, as some do, is wholly unwarranted in

               the Scriptures.

               And  They  also  which  Pierced  Him.  —  They

               also  (in  addition  to  the  “every  eye,”  before

               mentioned)  who  were  chiefly  concerned  in

               the tragedy of his death; they shall behold him

               returning to earth in triumph and glory. But

               how is this? They are not now living, and how,

               then, shall they behold him when he comes?

               Answer: By a resurrection from the dead; for

               this is the only possible avenue to life to those

               who have once been laid in the grave. But how

               is it that these wicked persons come up at this

               time?  for  the  general  resurrection  of  the
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