Page 26 - 01 The Opening Vision
P. 26


                                 ~The Response of History to the Revelation~

                                          Chapter 1 – The Opening Vision
                   pieces like a potter’s vessel. Chapter 19:16;

               2:27; Psalms 2:8, 9.

               Unto Him that Loved Us. — We have thought

               that  earthly  friends  loved  us,  —  a  father,  a

               mother,  brothers  and  sisters,  or  bosom

               friends, — but we see that no love is worthy of

               the name compared with the love of Christ for

               us. And the following sentence adds intensity

               of  meaning  to  the  previous  words:  “And

               washed  us from  our  sins  in  his  own  blood.”

               What  love  is  this!  “Greater  love,”  says  the

               apostle, “hath no man than this, that a man lay

               down his life for his friends.” But Christ has

               commended his love to us, in that he died for

               us “while we were yet sinners.” But more than

               this — “Hath made us kings and priests unto

               God and his Father.” From being leprous with

               sin, we are made clean in his sight; from being
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