Page 25 - 01 The Opening Vision
P. 25
~The Response of History to the Revelation~
Chapter 1 – The Opening Vision
world, but also in that which is to come.” The
highest names named in this world, are the
princes, kings, emperors, and potentates of
earth. But Christ is placed far above them. He
is seated with his Father upon the throne of
universal dominion (chapter 3:21), and ranks
equally with him in the overruling and
controlling of the affairs of all the nations of
the earth.
In a more particular sense, Christ is to be
Prince of the kings of the earth when he takes
his own throne, and the kingdoms of this
world become the “kingdoms of our Lord and
of his Christ,” when they are given by the
Father into his hands, and he comes forth
bearing upon his vesture the title of “King of
kings and Lord of lords,” to dash them in