Page 20 - 01 The Opening Vision
P. 20


                                 ~The Response of History to the Revelation~

                                          Chapter 1 – The Opening Vision
                   which  went  by  the  names  mentioned,  but

               seven  periods  of  the  Christian  church,  from

               the  days  of  the  apostles  to  the  close  of

               probation. (See on chapter 2, verse 1.)

               The Source of Blessing. — “From him which is,

               and which was, and which is to come,” or is to

               be, — an expression which signifies complete

               eternity,  past  and  future,  and  can  be

               applicable  to  God  the  Father  only.  This

               language,  we  believe,  is  never  applied  to

               Christ. He is spoken of as another person, in

               distinction from the being thus described.

               The  Seven  Spirits.  —  This  expression

               probably has no reference to angels, but to the

               Spirit  of  God.  It  is  one  of  the  sources  from

               which  grace  and  peace  are  invoked  for  the

               church. On the interesting subject of the seven

               spirits, Thompson remarks: “That is, from the
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