Page 22 - 01 The Opening Vision
P. 22


                                 ~The Response of History to the Revelation~

                                          Chapter 1 – The Opening Vision
                   the  Scriptures,  to  accomplish  important

               purposes in human affairs.”

               And from Jesus Christ. — Then Christ is not

               the  person  who,  in  the  verse  before,  is

               designated as “him which is, and which was,

               and  which  is  to  come.”  Some  of  the  chief

               characteristics  which  pertain  to  Christ  are

               here mentioned. He is, —

               The  Faithful  Witness.  —  Whatever  he  bears

               witness to is true. Whatever he promises, he

               will surely fulfil.

               The  First  Begotten  of  the  Dead.  —  This

               expression is parallel to 1 Corinthians 15:20,

               23;  Hebrews  1:6;  Romans  8:29;  and

               Colossians  1:15,  18,  where  we  find  such

               expressions  applied  to  Christ  as  “the  first-

               fruits  of  them  that  slept,”  “the  first-born

               among  many  brethren,”  “the  first-born  of
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