Page 19 - 01 The Opening Vision
P. 19


                                 ~The Response of History to the Revelation~

                                          Chapter 1 – The Opening Vision
                   days of time, which gave the world the still

               used  weekly  cycle.  Like  the  seven  stars,  the

               seven candlesticks must denote the whole of

               the  things  which  they  represent.  The  whole

               gospel church in seven divisions, or periods,

               must be symbolized by them; and hence the

               seven churches must be applied in the same


               5.  Why,  then,  were  the  seven  particular

               churches chosen that are mentioned? For the

               reason, doubtless, that in the names of these

               churches, according to the definitions of the

               words, are brought out the religious features

               of those periods of the gospel age which they

               respectively were to represent.

               For  these  reasons,  “the  seven  churches”  are

               doubtless  to  be  understood  to  mean  not

               merely  the  seven  literal  churches  of  Asia
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