Page 14 - 01 The Opening Vision
P. 14
~The Response of History to the Revelation~
Chapter 1 – The Opening Vision
The Churches in Asia. — There were more
churches in Asia than seven. We may confine
ourselves to that western fraction of Asia
known as Asia Minor, or we may include still
less territory than that; for in even that small
portion of Asia Minor where were situated the
seven churches which are mentioned, and
right in their very midst, there were other
important churches. Colosse, to the Christians
of which place Paul addressed his epistle to
the Colossians, was but a slight distance from
Laodicea. Miletus was nearer than any of the
seven to Patmos, where John had his vision;
and it was an important station for the church,
as we may judge from the fact that Paul,
during one of his stays there, sent for the
elders of the church of Ephesus to meet him at
that place. Acts 20:17-38. At the same place
he also left, in good Christian hands no doubt,