Page 18 - 01 The Opening Vision
P. 18
~The Response of History to the Revelation~
Chapter 1 – The Opening Vision
Such would seem to be the only consistent
4. Again, John, looking into the Christian
dispensation, saw only seven candlesticks,
representing seven churches, in the midst of
which stood the Son of man. The position of
the Son of man in their midst must denote his
presence with them, his watchcare over them,
and his searching scrutiny of all their works.
But does he thus take cognizance of only seven
individual churches in this dispensation? May
we not rather conclude that this scene
represents his position in reference to all his
churches during the gospel age? Then why
were only seven mentioned? Seven, as used in
the Scriptures, is a number denoting fulness
and completeness, being, doubtless, a kind of
memorial of the great facts of the first seven