Page 23 - 01 The Opening Vision
P. 23
~The Response of History to the Revelation~
Chapter 1 – The Opening Vision
every creature,” and “the first-born from the
dead.” But these expressions do not
necessarily denote that he was the first in
point of time to be raised from the dead; for
others were raised before him. That would be
a very unimportant point; but he was the chief
and central figure of all who have come up
from the grave; for it was by virtue of Christ’s
coming, work, and resurrection, that any were
raised before his time. In the purpose of God,
he was the first in point of time as well as in
importance; for it was not till after the
purpose of Christ’s triumph over the grave
was formed in the mind of God, who calleth
those things that be not as though they were
(Romans 4:17), that any were released from
the power of death, by virtue of that great fact
which was in due time to be accomplished.
Christ is therefore called the “first-begotten of