Page 28 - 01 The Opening Vision
P. 28
~The Response of History to the Revelation~
Chapter 1 – The Opening Vision
the Christian’s present song of joy; for here
we are permitted to say that we have
redemption through his blood, though that
redemption is not yet given, and that we have
eternal life, though that life is still in the hands
of the Son, to be brought unto us at his
appearing; and it is still true, as it was in the
days of John and Peter, that God designs his
people in this world to be unto him a chosen
generation, a royal (kingly) priesthood, a holy
nation, a peculiar people. 1 Peter 2:9;
Revelation 3:21; Daniel 7:18, 27. No wonder
the loving and beloved disciple ascribed to
this Being who has done so much for us, glory
and dominion, forever and ever. And let all the
church join in this most fitting ascription to
their greatest benefactor and dearest friend.