Page 29 - 01 The Opening Vision
P. 29


                                 ~The Response of History to the Revelation~

                                          Chapter 1 – The Opening Vision
                   VERSE  7.  Behold,  he  cometh  with  clouds;

               and  every  eye  shall  see  him,  and  they  also

               which  pierced  him:  and  all  kindreds  of  the

               earth  shall  wail  because  of  him.  Even  so,


               He Cometh with Clouds. — Here John carries

               us forward to the second advent of Christ in

               glory,  the  climax  and  crowning  event  of  his

               intervention  in  behalf  of  this  fallen  world.

               Once he came in weakness, now he comes in

               power;  Once  in  humility,  now  in  glory.  He

               comes  in  clouds,  in  like  manner  as  he

               ascended. Acts 1:9, 11.

               His  Coming  Visible.  —  “Every  eye  shall  see

               him;” that is, all who are alive at the time of his

               coming.  We  know  of  no  personal  coming  of

               Christ that shall be as the stillness of midnight,

               or take place only in the desert or the secret
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