Page 10 - 01 The Opening Vision
P. 10


                                 ~The Response of History to the Revelation~

                                          Chapter 1 – The Opening Vision
                   blessing pronounced upon the reading and

               observance of any other portion of the word of

               God? What encouragement, then, have we for

               its study! And shall we say that it cannot be

               understood? Is a blessing offered for the study

               of a book which it can do us no good to study?

               Men  may  assert,  with  more  pertness  than

               piety, that “every age of declension is marked

               by  an  increase  of  commentaries  on  the

               Apocalypse,”  or  that  “the  study  of  the

               Revelation either finds or leaves a man mad;”

               but God has pronounced his blessing upon it,

               he  has  set  the  seal  of  his  approbation  to  an

               earnest study of its marvelous pages; and with

               such encouragement from such a source, the

               child of God will be unmoved by a thousand

               feeble counterblasts from men.
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