Page 7 - 01 The Opening Vision
P. 7


                                 ~The Response of History to the Revelation~

                                          Chapter 1 – The Opening Vision
                   learn  therefrom  “the  things  which  must

               shortly  come  to  pass,”  and  which  concern

               their eternal salvation.

               His Angel. — Christ sent and made known the

               Revelation to John by “his angel.” A particular

               angel seems here to be brought to view. What

               angel  could  appropriately  be  called  Christ’s

               angel?  May  we  not  find  an  answer  to  this

               question  in  a  significant  passage  in  the

               prophecy of Daniel? In Daniel 10:21, an angel,

               which  was  doubtless  Gabriel  (see  Daniel,

               chapters  9,  10,  and  11:1),  in  making  known

               some important truths to Daniel, said, “There

               is none that holdeth with me in these things,

               but Michael your prince.” Who Michael is we

               easily  learn.  Jude  (verse  9)  calls  him  the

               “archangel.” And Paul tells us that when the

               Lord descends from heaven, and the dead in
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