Page 8 - 01 The Opening Vision
P. 8


                                 ~The Response of History to the Revelation~

                                          Chapter 1 – The Opening Vision
                   Christ are raised, the voice of the archangel

               shall  be  heard.  1  Thessalonians  4:16.  And

               whose  voice  will  be  heard  at  that  amazing

               hour  when  the  dead  are  called  to  life?  The

               Lord himself replies, “Marvel not at this; for

               the hour is coming in the which all that are in

               the  graves shall hear his voice” (John  5:28);

               and  the  previous  verse  shows  that  the  one

               here  referred  to,  whose  voice  will  then  be

               heard,  is  the  Son  of  man,  or Christ.  It is  the

               voice of Christ, then, that calls the dead from

               their graves. That voice, Paul declares, is the

               voice of the archangel; and Jude says that the

               archangel  is  called  Michael,  the  very

               personage  mentioned  in  Daniel,  and  all

               referring  to  Christ.  The  statement  in  Daniel,

               then, is, that the truths to be revealed to Daniel

               were  committed  to  Christ,  and  confined

               exclusively  to  him,  and  to  an  angel  whose
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