Page 9 - 01 The Opening Vision
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~The Response of History to the Revelation~
Chapter 1 – The Opening Vision
name was Gabriel. Similar to the work of
communicating important truth to the
“beloved prophet” is the work of Christ in the
Revelation of communicating important truth
to the “beloved disciple;” and who, in this
work, can be his angel but he who was
engaged with him in the former work, that is,
the angel Gabriel? This fact will throw light on
some points in this book, while it would also
seem most appropriate that the same being
who was employed to carry messages to the
“beloved” prophet of the former dispensation,
should perform the same office for him who
corresponds to that prophet in the gospel age.
(See on chapter 19:10.)
The Benediction. — “Blessed is he that
readeth, and they that hear the words of this
prophecy.” Is there so direct and formal a