Page 8 - 21 A Warning Rejected
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present. Truly, the church should awake, and
search into the cause of this affliction; for as
an affliction everyone that loves Zion must
view it. When we call to mind how ‘few and
far between’ cases of true conversion are, and
the almost unparalleled impertinence and
hardness of sinners, we almost involuntarily
exclaim, ‘Has God forgotten to be gracious?
or, Is the door of mercy closed?’”
Such a condition never exists without cause
in the church itself. The spiritual darkness
which falls upon nations, upon churches and
individuals, is due, not to an arbitrary
withdrawal of the succors of divine grace on
the part of God, but to neglect or rejection of
divine light on the part of men. A striking
illustration of this truth is presented in the
history of the Jewish people in the time of
Christ. By their devotion to the world and