Page 9 - 21 A Warning Rejected
P. 9

forgetfulness  of  God  and  His  word,  their

               understanding  had  become  darkened,  their

               hearts earthly and sensual. Thus they were in

               ignorance  concerning  Messiah's  advent,  and

               in their pride and unbelief they rejected the

               Redeemer. God did not even then cut off the

               Jewish  nation  from  a  knowledge  of,  or  a

               participation  in,  the  blessings  of  salvation.

               But  those  who  rejected  the  truth  lost  all

               desire  for  the  gift  of  Heaven.  They  had  “put

               darkness  for  light,  and  light  for  darkness,”

               until  the  light  which  was  in  them  became

               darkness; and how great was that darkness!

               It  suits  the  policy  of  Satan  that  men  should

               retain the forms of religion if but the spirit of

               vital godliness is lacking. After their rejection

               of the gospel, the Jews continued zealously to

               maintain  their  ancient  rites,  they  rigorously

               preserved their national exclusiveness, while
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