Page 19 - 12 The French Reformation
P. 19

was  tried  and  condemned  to  die,  and  lest

               Francis  should  even  yet  interpose  to  save

               him, the sentence was executed on the very

               day it was pronounced. At noon  Berquin was

               conducted to the place of death. An immense

               throng  gathered  to  witness  the  event,  and

               there were many who saw with astonishment

               and  misgiving  that  the  victim  had  been

               chosen from the best and bravest of the noble

               families  of  France.  Amazement,  indignation,

               scorn, and bitter hatred darkened the faces of

               that  surging  crowd;  but  upon  one  face  no

               shadow  rested.  The  martyr's  thoughts  were

               far  from  that  scene  of  tumult;  he  was

               conscious only of the presence of his Lord.

               The  wretched  tumbrel  upon  which  he  rode,

               the  frowning  faces  of  his  persecutors,  the

               dreadful death to which he was going—these

               he heeded not; He who liveth and was dead,
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