Page 23 - 12 The French Reformation
P. 23
boyhood. God was preparing him for greater
trials. “The crosses, persecutions, and
machinations of Satan, of which I was
forewarned, have not been wanting,” he said;
“they are even much severer than I could
have borne of myself; but God is my Father;
He has provided and always will provide me
the strength which I require.”—D'Aubigne,
History of the Reformation of the Sixteenth
Century, b. 12, ch. 9.
As in apostolic days, persecution had “fallen
out rather unto the furtherance of the
gospel.” Philippians 1:12. Driven from Paris
and Meaux, “they that were scattered abroad
went everywhere preaching the word.” Acts
8:4. And thus the light found its way into
many of the remote provinces of France.
God was still preparing workers to extend
His cause. In one of the schools of Paris was a