Page 32 - 12 The French Reformation
P. 32

hour,  a  sermon  would  be  preached,  and the

               people of every rank and station were invited

               to attend.  Crowds flocked to the service. Not

               only  the  chapel,  but  the  antechambers  and

               halls  were  thronged.  Thousands  every  day

               assembled—nobles,                               statesmen,                   lawyers,

               merchants, and artisans. The king, instead of

               forbidding  the  assemblies,  ordered  that  two

               of  the  churches  of  Paris  should  be  opened.

               Never before had the city been so moved by

               the  word  of  God.  The  spirit  of  life  from

               heaven  seemed  to  be  breathed  upon  the

               people.  Temperance,  purity,  order,  and

               industry                were             taking             the          place            of

               drunkenness,  licentiousness,  strife,  and


               But the hierarchy were not idle. The king still

               refused  to  interfere  to  stop  the  preaching,

               and  they  turned  to  the  populace.  No  means
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