Page 33 - 12 The French Reformation
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were spared to excite the fears, the
prejudices, and the fanaticism of the ignorant
and superstitious multitude. Yielding blindly
to her false teachers, Paris, like Jerusalem of
old, knew not the time of her visitation nor
the things which belonged unto her peace.
For two years the word of God was preached
in the capital; but, while there were many
who accepted the gospel, the majority of the
people rejected it. Francis had made a show
of toleration, merely to serve his own
purposes, and the papists succeeded in
regaining the ascendancy. Again the churches
were closed, and the stake was set up.
Calvin was still in Paris, preparing himself by
study, meditation, and prayer for his future
labors, and continuing to spread the light. At
last, however, suspicion fastened upon him.
The authorities determined to bring him to