Page 56 - 12 The French Reformation
P. 56
towns and cities which had been strongholds
of popery, opening their gates to the gospel.
The little parish where he had first labored
soon accepted the reformed faith. The cities
of Morat and Neuchatel also renounced the
Romish rites and removed the idolatrous
images from their churches.
Farel had long desired to plant the Protestant
standard in Geneva. If this city could be won,
it would be a center for the Reformation in
France, in Switzerland, and in Italy. With this
object before him, he had continued his
labors until many of the surrounding towns
and hamlets had been gained. Then with a
single companion he entered Geneva. But
only two sermons was he permitted to
preach. The priests, having vainly
endeavored to secure his condemnation by
the civil authorities, summoned him before