Page 60 - 12 The French Reformation
P. 60
power of the Holy Spirit, not by the decrees
of councils. While the people of Geneva had
cast off the authority of Rome, they were not
so ready to renounce the vices that had
flourished under her rule. To establish here
the pure principles of the gospel and to
prepare this people to fill worthily the
position to which Providence seemed calling
them were not light tasks.
Farel was confident that he had found in
Calvin one whom he could unite with himself
in this work. In the name of God he solemnly
adjured the young evangelist to remain and
labor here. Calvin drew back in alarm. Timid
and peace-loving, he shrank from contact
with the bold, independent, and even violent
spirit of the Genevese. The feebleness of his
health, together with his studious habits, led
him to seek retirement. Believing that by his