Page 2 - 08 Luther Before the Diet
P. 2

Chapter 8—Luther Before the Diet

               A new emperor, Charles V, had ascended the

               throne  of  Germany,  and  the  emissaries  of

               Rome                 hastened                   to          present                 their

               congratulations  and  induce  the  monarch  to

               employ  his  power  against  the  Reformation.

               On the other hand, the elector of Saxony, to

               whom Charles was in great degree indebted

               for his crown, entreated him to take no step

               against  Luther  until  he  should  have  granted

               him a hearing. The emperor was thus placed

               in  a  position  of  great  perplexity  and

               embarrassment.  The  papists  would  be

               satisfied  with  nothing  short  of  an  imperial

               edict sentencing Luther to death. The elector

               had declared firmly that “neither his imperial

               majesty nor any other person had shown that

               Luther's               writings               had           been            refuted;”

               therefore  he  requested  “that  Dr.  Luther
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