Page 5 - 08 Luther Before the Diet
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matter in the Lord's hands. He still lives and
reigns who preserved the three young men in
the burning fiery furnace. If He will not save
me, my life is of little consequence. Let us
only prevent the gospel from being exposed
to the scorn of the wicked, and let us shed our
blood for it, for fear they should triumph. It is
not for me to decide whether my life or my
death will contribute most to the salvation of
all.... You may expect everything from me...
except flight and recantation. Fly I cannot,
and still less retract.”—Ibid., b. 7, ch. 1.
As the news was circulated at Worms that
Luther was to appear before the Diet, a
general excitement was created. Aleander,
the papal legate to whom the case had been
specially entrusted, was alarmed and
enraged. He saw that the result would be
disastrous to the papal cause. To institute