Page 31 - 08 Luther Before the Diet
P. 31

In making this request, Luther moved wisely.

               His  course  convinced  the  assembly  that  he

               did  not  act  from  passion  or  impulse.  Such

               calmness  and  self-command,  unexpected  in

               one  who  had  shown  himself  bold  and

               uncompromising,  added  to  his  power,  and

               enabled  him  afterward  to  answer  with  a

               prudence, decision, wisdom, and dignity that

               surprised  and  disappointed  his  adversaries,

               and rebuked their insolence and pride.

               The next day he was to appear to render his

               final answer. For a time his heart sank within

               him as he contemplated the forces that were

               combined against the truth. His faith faltered;

               fearfulness  and  trembling  came  upon  him,

               and  horror  overwhelmed  him.  Dangers

               multiplied  before  him;  his  enemies  seemed

               about to triumph, and the powers of darkness

               to  prevail.  Clouds  gathered  about  him  and
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