Page 34 - 08 Luther Before the Diet
P. 34

Not for his own safety, but for the triumph of

               the  gospel  did  he  wrestle  with  God.  Like

               Israel's,  in  that  night  struggle  beside  the

               lonely stream, was the anguish and conflict of

               his soul. Like Israel, he prevailed with God. In

               his utter helplessness his faith fastened upon

               Christ,  the  mighty  Deliverer.  He  was

               strengthened  with  the  assurance  that  he

               would  not  appear  alone  before  the  council.

               Peace  returned  to  his  soul,  and  he  rejoiced

               that  he  was  permitted  to  uplift  the  word  of

               God before the rulers of the nations.

               With  his  mind  stayed  upon  God,  Luther

               prepared  for  the  struggle  before  him.  He

               thought  upon  the  plan  of  his  answer,

               examined passages in his own writings, and

               drew  from  the  Holy  Scriptures  suitable

               proofs  to  sustain  his  positions.  Then,  laying

               his  left  hand  on  the  Sacred  Volume,  which
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