Page 29 - 06 The Seven Seals
P. 29
~The Response of History to the Revelation~
Chapter 6 - The Seven Seals
On such passages as this, the reader is
misled by the popular definition of the word
soul. From that definition, he is led to suppose
that this text speaks of an immaterial,
invisible, immortal essence in man, which
soars into its coveted freedom on the death of
its hindrance and clog, the mortal body. No
instance of the occurrence of the word in the
original Hebrew or Greek will sustain such a
definition. It oftenest means life, and is not
unfrequently rendered person. It applies to
the dead as well as to the living, as may be seen
by reference to Genesis 2:7, where the word
living need not have been expressed were life
an inseparable attribute of the soul; and to
Numbers 19:13, where the Hebrew
Concordance reads, “dead soul.” Moreover,
these souls pray that their blood may be
avenged, — an article which the immaterial