Page 24 - 06 The Seven Seals
P. 24
~The Response of History to the Revelation~
Chapter 6 - The Seven Seals
strong proof of the doctrine of the
disembodied and conscious state of the dead.
Here, it is claimed, are souls seen by John in a
disembodied state; and they were conscious,
and had knowledge of passing events; for they
cried for vengeance on their persecutors. This
view of the passage is inadmissible, for several
reasons: (1) The popular view places these
souls in heaven; but the altar of sacrifice on
which they were slain, and beneath which
they were seen, cannot be there. The only altar
we read of in heaven is the altar of incense; but
it would not be correct to represent victims
just slain as under the altar of incense, as that
altar was never devoted to such a use. (2) It
would be repugnant to all our ideas of the
heavenly state, to represent souls in heaven
shut up under an altar. (3) Can we suppose
that the idea of vengeance would reign so