Page 22 - 06 The Seven Seals
P. 22
~The Response of History to the Revelation~
Chapter 6 - The Seven Seals
their condition? What is meant by their cry
for vengeance? What is meant by white robes
being given to them? When do they rest for a
little season? and what is signified by their
brethren being killed as they were? To all
these questions we believe a satisfactory
answer can be returned.
1. The Fifth Seal Covers a Period of Time. — It
seems consistent that this seal, like all the
others, should cover a period of time; and the
date of its application cannot be mistaken, if
the preceding seals have been rightly located.
Following the period of the papal persecution,
the time covered by this seal would
commence when the Reformation began to
undermine the antichristian papal fabric, and
restrain the persecuting power of the Romish