Page 17 - 06 The Seven Seals
P. 17


                                 ~The Response of History to the Revelation~

                                             Chapter 6 - The Seven Seals
                   engaged after worldly goods, and the love of

               money  would  be  the  prevailing  spirit  of  the

               times; for they would dispose of anything for

               money.” — Id.

               The Oil and Wine. — These “denote the graces

               of  the  Spirit,  faith  and  love,  and  there  was

               great  danger  of  hurting  these,  under  the

               influence of so much of a worldly spirit. And it

               is  well  attested  by  all  historians  that  the

               prosperity of the church in this age produced

               the  corruptions  which  finally  terminated  in

               the falling away, and the setting up of the anti-

               Christian abominations.” — Id.

               It will be observed that the voice limiting the

               amount  of  wheat  for  a  penny,  and  saying,

               “Hurt not the oil and the  wine,” is not spoken

               by any one on earth, but comes from the midst

               of  the  four  living  creatures;  signifying  that,
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